Mathon Church, An Historical Tour

Tychicus Whiting

There is a memorial tablet to Tychicus Whiting above the South door.

In 1761, Tychicus Whiting, perpetual curate of Mathon, and Clerk of the neighbouring village of Cradley, offended Mathon people by turning John Load out of his office as Parish Clerk, “which office he has orderly and decently exercised for the space of 20 years”. The quarrel developed after the parishioners wrote to the Bishop of Worcester. They accused Tychicus of “putting the inhabitants to open defiance in the church at the time of divine service, of using threatening words of battery against some of the parish, and for assaulting one man in the churchyard, Joseph Boneale by name”. The bishop seems not to have been impressed, and Tychicus continued in post unscathed for many years.

Tychicus Whiting

Tychicus Whiting map